June 04, 2011

Mother Nature Can Be Down Right Mean

“Now and then it seems to happen, time to time, Snow in June”

(The first person to tell me who sings that song can have my first zucchini, but you have to come get it.)
Remember how I said I didn’t think Mother Nature was done with winter? Well, I was right.  Thursday it was 23C and sunny, Friday it was 2C and snowing.   Friday was a nasty, nasty day.  The morning was cool and wet, the thermometer said 5C and Environment Canada said it felt like minus 2C with the wind. Jez, a wind chill in June - welcome to the Peace Country.  The temperature slowly dropped to 0C (with a wind chill of -5C) and the rain turned to snow but thankfully didn’t start to accumulate until late afternoon.  
After work we rushed home to cover the garden to protect the new tender seedlings from the snow and to trap whatever heat we could.  The snow was a concern but not as much as the temperature – the forecasted low was -2C.   Thankfully it didn’t get that cold. 

Petunias & Snow

Rhubarb & Deer Fence weighed down by wet snow

Raspberry Plants & Snow
A Sea of Blue Plastic
 Friday was our coldest June 3 on record since 1943.  June 3, 1943 it was 1.7C, yesterday our low was -0.1C.

We uncovered everything late in the morning on Saturday and everything was okay.  The only damage I could see is a few purple leaves on a broccoli plant.  I was most concerned about the tomato plants, which fortunately, seem healthier now then Thursday due to a reprieve from the high UV we’ve have this year.

Hopefully we are done with the snow now.

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