June 22, 2011

Deer Fence – Con # 1

When we first installed our new Deer Fence our main concern was keeping the birds from getting stuck in it.  On occasion we have watched a robin bounce off of it but thankfully we haven’t had to remove anything from the mesh.
The Deer Fence is posing to be an issue with the weeds.  Yes, that’s right, the weeds. Friggin’ weeds!  Because the fence goes right to the ground, the weeds are actually pushing the fence mesh up creating a space under the fence.  Last year Steve would trim the grass and weeds around the garden with the weed whacker because the electric fence didn’t go right to the ground, this year he can’t because it will cut the mesh.

To make matters worse, the weeds are creeping into my sunflowers so even if he did use the weed whacker he would probably cut the sunflowers as well.
The plan was to try lifting sections of the mesh high even for Steve to get the weed whacker under.  What a “fun” adventure that was.  (Can you pick up on the sarcasm?)  Needless to say this method did work.  And it was fun if your idea of fun is getting splattered with weed and dandelion goop at 100 miles per hour while being eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Now that everything under the fence is trimmed the next step is apply Round Up to the weeds and grass that border the garden to stop them from re-growing.  This is something that will hopefully be done soon because I will not be doing that again!                 



Did I mention I’ve decided that we’re going back to the electric fence next year?

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