May 11, 2011

Signs of Survival

When it comes to flowers, I’m not a big fan of annuals.  Maybe I’m just lazy but I don’t like the hassle of removing them after they die and replanting in the spring – not to mention the cost.  I prefer perennials, you only have to plant them once and if they transplant well, you should never have to plant again.
We have two perennial beds; one on the east side and one on west side of the house.  Last year in August my Dad and Steve re-did these beds by giving them new edging, fresh mulch, and some new perennials.  
We were concerned about their survival because we had an extremely dry fall and cold weather early before there was any snow cover.  When the snow finally started to melt this spring a few of the cedar bushes and junipers looked brown giving cause for concern.  We had nothing to water them with so we gave them a shovel of snow for extra moisture from time to time.
I am glad to announce that everything survived their first winter.
"The Rocket"


Tiger Lilies

I might jinx myself by saying this, but notice the deer have yet to nibble on them?

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