May 13, 2011

Patiently Waiting... NOT!

This weekend will be a difficult for me.

It was this time last year that we planted the garden and flowers pots.  Currently, our forecasted temperatures are slightly above normal with highs in the low 20C’s and overnight lows close to 10C.  I really want to plant the garden.  I really really want to plant the garden.  But I will wait.  I will wait because I don’t trust Mother Nature and I have a nagging suspicion she’s not done with winter yet – just like last year.  I hope I'm wrong.
This is what happened last year a few days after we planted everything:

May 14, 2010

And that is why I will wait. I learnt my lesson last year for being overly eager.  Luckily there wasn’t much damage to the garden because nothing had sprouted.  The only issue we had was the corn seed went moldy because of the damp/cold conditions.  Thankfully this ended up working to our advantage because it gave us more room for the tomatoes.

My flowers on the other hand took a kicking but that tends to happen when they get covered with 3 – 4” of heavy wet snow.  I would have covered them when it started to snow but I was at work and by 5 o'clock it was too late.  It took them a while to recover but thankfully they survived.

This year I’m sticking to the general guideline for planting – plant the long weekend in May or later.  Last year May long weekend it snowed.   Hopefully this year it won’t.  At least this year our average last day for frost falls before the long weekend.  If the weather stays nice maybe I’ll transplant the tomatoes next weekend as well. 

To see your average last/first day for frost visit:

Maybe I can start with the flowers after work next week.....

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