May 24, 2011

Garden Planted – Now the Waiting Begins

After a Sunday afternoon in the sun swatting mosquitoes and getting sun burnt, I am proud to announce my garden is in.   I even transplanted the tomatoes and broccoli which is a huge risk as we do not have our deer fence up yet.

Planting Completed - May 22, 2011

Thankfully, the last seed was not in the ground for more than half an hour and it started to rain, and rain and rain and then rain some more.  It rained for close to 24 hours straight giving my seeds more than adequate moisture to kick start their growth.
And now we patiently wait for the first seeds to break through the dirt and the work of maintaining the garden to begin.  I am already stressing about how I’m going to keep the nasty garden pests away from my turnips, broccoli and potatoes.
I know my timing was good as this was the second year in a row I planted the day the Chuckwagon Trucks drove by heading to their first event of the year; a sign that summer has begun in the Alberta Peace.

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