May 10, 2011


Hmm…  A blog.  Should I? Could I? Would I? Or better yet, WHY would I? 
Over the past year I’ve visited many garden blogs searching for advice on everything from how to keep deer out of the garden to what varieties to plant, to what to do with a seemingly endless amount of green tomatoes.
 I thought on several occasions that if other people could blog about their garden and experiences why couldn’t I?  It could give me an outlet to share what I’ve learnt as well as vent over frustrating situations.
But would anyone listen?  Why would anyone listen?  The answer: the same reason why I spent endless hours looking at blogs – for advice, for ideas, and for a sense of “gardener” belonging.
As a relatively new gardener, I don’t think I have much “expert” advice to pass on.  Just about everything I know I have learnt via the internet or from gardening with my mom (and calls are still frequently made home regarding the garden, harvesting and preserving.)  What I can share is my day to day experiences and what I’ve learnt the easy way as well as the hard way.
So to answer the questions above:
Q:  Should I?                     
A:  Maybe.
Q: Could I?                       
A:  Most definitely!
Q: Would I?                      
A: Probably.
Q: Why would I?      
A: To share my experiences and maybe help someone searching for advice or suggestions as I have done on several occasions - kind of a “Play It Forward” mentality.
So where does one begin?
I suppose an explanation of my blog name is as good a place as any. 
Last year (our first full summer on our acreage with a garden) we had a horribly dry summer.  Excluding a few thunderstorms that dumped a torrential amount of rain, you could probably count on one hand the rainy days we had.  Because of this, the biggest hurdle we had with our garden was having enough water.  (Our well water isn’t plant friendly.)  It was shocking how much water was required to quench the thirst of the garden and keep the soil consistently moist.  It was one thirsty garden… hence the name, “Thirsty Dirt.”


  1. Yay!!! I'm excited to read your blog...i'm going to "attempt" to plant a garden this year (first time for everything). I'm looking forward to getting home and getting things started : )

  2. Thanks Dea! You'll probably be able to have a great garden being so close to the river, good luck!
