September 13, 2011

What’s been goin’ on...

The past 2.5 – 3 weeks have been a busy time for me.  Thankfully our summer was surprisingly extended until last Sunday.  The weather over the past few weeks has been well above seasonal with some of the hottest days of the year; we even came close to 30C a few times. 

The last week of August I took some time off from work and I made use of just about every minute.  I wasn’t planning on spending the week in the garden but ended up there just about every day for some reason or other.  If I recall correctly I spend 2 – 3 days picking, blanching and pickling beans, one day pickling cucumbers (Steve managed to get a hold of 20 lbs for me), one day picking and blanching swiss chard and peas.  Just by looking at everything in my freezer I know I did more but it’s all such a blur right now.  I don’t know how I would have managed to get everything done had I not had the extra time.
Needless to say everything is the garden is close to being done and it is starting to look a little anemic.  If it wasn’t for the warm weather it would have been done a while ago; most days I wish it was done already. 

After their last harvest the peas and green bean plants were removed.  The yellow beans are still in the garden and have just recently stopped producing; the green were pulled because we simply just didn’t want anymore.  The red beets have recently been removed as well and have already been pickled; the golden beets are still in the garden until I figure out what to do with them. 
The warm weather was a welcome gift for our sunflowers as it gave them a boost and they are now flowering and hopefully the frost doesn’t kill them for a while.  Unfortunately the warm weather didn’t help our tomatoes and we still don’t have any that are ripe.  We’ve had frost a few times and have taken to covering things at night because it would be such a waste to lose the green tomatoes and squash out of laziness.
Looking at the forecast I have a feeling the rest of the garden, excluding a few root veg, will be removed and brought inside this weekend.  This is something I am actually looking forward too; it’s the time of year where I’m ready to move on from the garden and do something else.
I’ll post some pictures from the past few weeks on facebook in the next day or so.

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