July 12, 2011

Is Anybody Home??

I just realized that it’s been 12 days since my last blog and considering the duration between my previous posts, 11 days seems like a year.
On the Canada Day Long weekend I managed to get caught up on my weeding, replanted a few seeds/plants that didn’t germinate or were killed by bugs and got sun burnt (again).  I’ll blog more about that later.
Since then I’ve been afraid to go into the garden.
Why you ask? Because of the rain.  In the week we’ve received about 3.25 inches of rain, and that includes a thunderstorm that dumped ½” in 30 minutes last night.  Needless to say the garden is a bit of a mud pit.  If we stay out and let it dry, it’ll be fine; if we venture in it’ll be a mess.
Rain has definitely not been as issue this year.  Since we installed the rain gauge on May 29th, we’ve received approximately 7.5 inches of rain, with almost half of that in the past week. I heard on the radio today that since July 1st, we’ve received over three times the amount of rain we received for the entire month of July last year.  In fact, we’ve received so much rain that plants are starting to turn yellow and die. I can only hope that the rain is drowning all the ants and grubs in the garden.
One nice thing about the wet weekend was that it gave me an excuse to stay out of the garden.  When the weather is nice in the summer you can usually find me out in the garden, whether I want to be there or not.  After the busy long weekend outside, it was nice to have an excuse to do nothing outside.
To get out of the house, we went for a Sunday afternoon drive down Highway 40 to check out all the little streams and creeks.  This is what we saw a lot of:

These creeks are normally just a trickle that you could probably jump across or walk through without the water going over your ankle… not so much the case at the moment.
At times like this we are thankfully for our sandy soil as it wonderful in draining the rain away.  Hopefully by the end of the week things start to dry out and I can attempt some thinning, provided the bugs don’t carry me away!

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